Date Type From To To Assembly
16-03-29 06:47 PM Disassembly Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:08:51 36345
16-03-27 06:43 PM Scrap Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:43:48 36345
16-03-27 04:00 PM Drop off Person 44 Shadetree Keys 0.00 36345
16-03-26 06:04 PM Sale Person 45 Person 44 750.00 36345
16-03-26 10:39 AM Installation Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 91066
16-03-13 11:26 AM Installation Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 91066
16-03-13 11:24 AM Salvage Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 741354
16-02-29 07:24 PM Salvage Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 91066
16-02-29 07:24 PM Installation Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 91066
16-02-28 01:49 PM Installation Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:03:44 91066
16-02-28 01:48 PM Salvage Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 91066
16-02-27 12:48 PM Scrap Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 91066
16-02-25 06:46 PM Sale Person 43 Shadetree Keys 740.00 04220
300.00 741354
15-09-28 05:47 PM Installation Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00
15-09-27 11:09 AM Salvage Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 00:00:00 755167
15-09-27 09:50 AM Scrap Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 01:13:34 755167
15-09-26 02:13 PM Scrap Shadetree Keys Shadetree Keys 01:35:32 755167
Transaction Attributes
Name Value
Transaction Line Groups
Group Total Amt
Transaction Lines
Description Group Quantity From From To Unit To Ext Assembly
Unit Amt Ext Amt Amt Amt
#10-12 x 5/8″ Phillips Pan Head Sheet Metal screw 0.0000 0.00 0.0797 1.12
#10-13 x 1-3/4" Phillips flat head wood screw 1 2.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0487 0.10 741354
#10-32 x 1″ Phillips Oval Head Machine screw 1 8.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1352 1.08 741354
#10-32 x 3/4″ Phillips Truss Head Machine screw 1 35.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1004 3.51 741354
#10-32 x 3/8″ Serrated Flange Bolt screw 1 73.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1257 9.17 741354
#12-11 x 1″ Phillips Pan Head Sheet Metal screw 1 4.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1192 0.48 741354
#8 x 1/2” Hex Sheet Metal screw 1 73.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1015 7.41 741354
#8-14 x 1-1/2 Phillips Round Head Wood screw 1 292.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0888 25.94 741354
#8-15 x 1" Phillips flat head wood screw 1 2.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0227 0.05 741354
#8-15 x 1" Phillips pan head sheet metal screw 1 2.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1192 0.24 741354
#8-15 x 1-1/2" Phillips oval head wood screw 1 2.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0640 0.13 741354
#8-15 x 1-1/4″ Phillips pan head sheet metal screw 1 4.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0311 0.12 741354
#8-15 x 1/2" Phillips flat head wood screw 1 7.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0282 0.20 741354
#8-15 x 1/2″ Phillips Pan Head Sheet Metal screw 1 4.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0757 0.30 741354
#8-15 x 3/4" Phillips oval head wood screw 1 18.00 0.0000 0.00 0.1393 2.51 741354
#8-32 x 1/2″ Phillips Pan Head Thread Cutting screw 1 31.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0541 1.68 741354
0.040" red felt 1 1.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0879 0.09 741354
0.043" red woven felt 1 3.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0132 0.04 741354
0.060" red felt 1 39.92 0.0000 0.00 0.0520 2.07 741354
0.080" balance guide pin felt 1 73.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0489 3.57 741354
Transaction Line Attributes
Name Value
From URL