Only showing Transactions used to calculate the Qty Included of the Green bridle strap with red tab of the Early Skirted-Key Seventy Three Mark I Stage Piano (32766) owned by Person 24 Remove
Date Type From To To Assembly
1650.00 32766
Transaction Attributes
Name Value
Transaction Line Groups
Group Total Amt
Transaction Lines
Description Group Quantity From From To Unit To Ext Assembly
Unit Amt Ext Amt Amt Amt
Full width skirted key 1 1.00 0.7434 0.74 1.0347 1.03 32766
Green bridle strap with red tab 1 73.00 0.3450 25.18 0.5212 38.05 32766
Green pickup wire - 10 ft 1 1.00 0.0804 0.08 0.1120 0.11 32766
Ground bus tape 1 8.00 0.0000 0.00 0.6325 5.06 32766
Hard late hammer tip 1 24.00 0.3861 9.27 0.6852 16.44 32766
Harp brace 1 2.00 0.3348 0.67 0.6159 1.23 32766
Harp frame 1 1.00 0.4050 0.41 0.6968 0.70 32766
Harp hinge 1 2.00 0.3450 0.69 0.5707 1.14 32766
Harp output jack 1 1.00 0.3858 0.39 0.5707 0.57 32766
Harp output jack bracket 1 1.00 0.3858 0.39 0.5707 0.57 32766
Heavy tone bar spring 1 40.00 0.3474 13.90 0.5808 23.23 32766
Hybrid hammer 1 73.00 0.3942 28.78 0.6762 49.37 32766
Large damper felt 1 25.00 0.4142 10.36 0.4802 12.01 32766
Leg brace 1 2.00 17.8230 35.65 15.8733 31.75 32766
Leg brace plate 1 1.00 0.9990 1.00 1.3908 1.39 32766
Leg brace screw 1 1.00 12.9555 12.96 8.1746 8.17 32766
Leg flange 1 4.00 1.2786 5.11 1.2804 5.12 32766
Light tone bar spring 1 20.00 0.3762 7.52 0.5681 11.36 32766
Lower Stage split side cabinet half 0.5394 0.54 0.7512 0.75
Mark I name rail 1 1.00 3.4470 3.45 2.8283 2.83 32766
Transaction Line Attributes
Name Value
From URL